Book the hotel services you need to prepare your stay

Prepare your stay here and book the services you want, from meals to the tennis court. And if you don’t find what you are looking for here, ask us and we will do our best to help you.

Enjoy your time in the nature at the French Riviera and relax while we take care of all you need!

In-house service and groceries

Order your aperitifs and meals

This room service menu promotes seasonal, fresh, and local products. We hope you will enjoy it!


Breakfast menu

Enjoy your included breakfast with seasonal, fresh, and local products.

Chef's dinners

Every Wednesday

Enjoy a new menu prepared by a local chef with high-quality products.


Alcoholic beverages

Taste a beer, wine or champagne with your meals and dinners

custom-made meal

Request 48 hours in advance

Are you thinking of a fine meal under the stars, grilled fish, or any other summertime treat? We are at your disposal to arrange it with our associated chefs.

Prepare your stay here and book the services you want, from meals to the tennis court. And if you don’t find what you are looking for here, ask us and we will do our best to help you.

Enjoy your time in the nature at the French Riviera and relax while we take care of all you need!

Tennis court

Yoga sessions

Yoga session scheduling

Relax in the tranquility of the nature

Boat trip

Boat trip

Enjoy a day at the sea and discover the islands and coast nearby.

Swimming lessons

Swimming lesson scheduling

For adults and children. Get in shape.